Showing posts with label eco- blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eco- blogger. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Zesty Beetroot Chutney

This post was first published on Serendipity Child on 08/09/2012, this year I have grown my own beetroot at the allotment specifically for this recipe, I can't wait for them to be grown and I can make some, it is delicious with cheese on toast:

We often end up with a glut of vegetables in our fruit boxes (which is one of the reasons we aren't getting it any more) and a few weeks ago we had one too many beetroot, along with a growing collection of empty jars I was inspired to make some chutney.  I find that beetroot can be a bit muddy tasting sometimes, even when fresh, and don't even get me started on the picked variety, yuck!  So I was pleasantly surprised to find that this recipe transformed the beetroot into delicious fruity chutney that goes perfectly with cheese on toast. 

You can find the full recipe here,

1 1/2kg beetroot trimmed and peeled and chopped,
3 onions chopped,
3 eating apples peeled and cored and chopped,
Zest and juice of 3 oranges,
2 tbsp white or yellow mustard seeds, 
1 tbsp coriander seeds,
1 tbsp ground cloves,
1 tbsp ground cinnamon,
700ml red wine vinegar,
700g granulated sugar.

Mix ingredients together in a pan and cook until the beetroot is tender and the mixture parts when you run and spoon along the base of the pan,
Sterilise jars then put the chutney into the jars.
Eat! (It gets better with age.)

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Crotchted Dish Cloths

As you may have noticed I don't like throwing things away unnecessarily, I hate waste, especially the non-biodegradable variety, so after years and years of using those nasty little yellow sponges with the scourer on one side. They always wear out really quickly and I had visions of these tiny particles of plastic entering our waterways and the stomachs of fish, and potentially our stomachs when we eat the fish, so I decided it was time to get eco and make my own dishcloths.  I knew people did it because I had seen them for sale on Etsy, but being short of money I decided to have a go at making my own with simple cotton string.

 Old cloth vs new

I crocheted a few lines (pretty badly) but came out with a perfectly serviceable dish cloth and have been using it effectively for the past few months.  It has lasted waaaay longer than a sponge and gets the grime off just as effectively. 

 Old fraying cloth

Now my crocheted cloth has started fraying and coming apart to it was time to crotchet another.  As you can see my crotchet skills have not improved that much since the last one, but this one too is perfectly serviceable and the old one is now lying happily in the compost heap waiting to become plant food for my veggies!
I am very happy with my environmentally friendly, free dish cloths and don't thin I will be going back to plastic sponges any time soon.

Lovely new cloth! I think you'll agree the crocheting is neater but I still managed to lose a few stitches along the way, hence the bizarre shape!

I can't be the only one out there who makes their own dish cloths?  What material do you use?  How do you keep those edges straight?

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Eco-friendly Bathroom Cleaning

This post was originally published on Serendipity Child on Sunday 17th March 2013

Let me just make things clear from the start because some people do get confused, I don't like cleaning, what I like is things being clean, there is a difference, and this is key to what follows.
Before I have a bath, I always give it a clean, I don't like that soapy scummy thing than stays on the bath after it's been used to shower in, so why would I let my lovely baby wash in a bath with scummy sides if I am not willing to? With that in mind I wash the bath before he uses it.  To maintain a bed time routine we wash him every night so, therefore, I wash the bath every night.  I realise this may sound excessive but it has actually made life a little bit easier easier and happier, so that can't be a bad thing.

The process of cleaning itself has also received a transformation of late, in the past I used ecover cleaners, or when that ran out I used whatever shampoo or shower gel we had lying around not being used.  But I was never really happy with how clean it was, there were still water marks and lumps of limescale here and there.  I started to use vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to clean the bathroom initially because I had run out of anything else and this was a last resort, (I had read about it somewhere)  to my happy amazement the more I used it, the cleaner the bathroom got, it is so much shiner than it ever has been.  I realise this may sound like a really dull thing to share, and I am not telling you to say "look how wonderful and eco-friendly I am" (clearly not that eco-friendly or I would have been doing this all along) or "aren't I amazing, I clean the bathroom everyday"  but we use the bathroom a lot and it being clean and tidy makes me happy, and knowing I am harming the environment and my health less also makes me happy so it might make you happy too (sharing the love).

Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar are far safer for the environment than the medley of chemicals that most bathroom cleaners contain which contaminate the waterways and use of valuable fossil fuels to extract, not to mention the risk of skin irritation and potential lung damage from toxic fumes and perfumes.  There is also less waste afterwards because I am buying less packaging so throwing less away, and it is waaaay better for the purse as well because bicarbonate of soda and vinegar are super cheap.
Here is what happens:
I go up to the bathroom at Boris' bedtime and hose down the bath and walls,  I then spray round the bath and walls with a solution of distilled malt vinegar and water (about half vinegar to water) then I sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on a loofah.  I then scrub round the bath and walls of the shower and the tap and shower fixings.  I do the same on the basin and spray the bowl of the toilet.  I then hose down the bath and walls and rinse round the basin with a cotton cloth. I sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda into the toilet bowl and scrub round with the loo brush, I then wipe over the whole of the toilet with a wet cotton cloth, then again with a dry cotton cloth (top to bottom with the bowl the last thing). I then run the bath and while the bath is running I do one of the following each day - spray the window and window sill with the vinegar solution and wipe with a cotton cloth, do the same on the mirror and shelf above the basin, spray and wipe the shelf behind the toilet, clean the walls, wipe the floor.

This whole process takes no more than about 7 minutes and means that every time I or a guest go in the bathroom I know it is going to be clean. Gone are the days when I would spend over an hour once a week cleaning the bathroom, an experience I used to dread, because it is cleaned so frequently the dirt doesn't get a chance to accumulate so it wipes away much more easily that is it has been festering for a week.  Quite often my husband will do the cleaning instead of me so that's even less work.  He was worried that the bathroom would end up smelling like a chip shop but the smell goes within a couple of minutes.

I get a big tub of bicarbonate of soda and a big bottle of vinegar from Makro because it's really cheap.  I think the bicarb was about £1.99 (1.15 kg) and the vinegar about £2.99 (5 litres).  I could get organic vinegar and bicarb from the True Food co-op if I was going to be really ethical, but it is more expensive and cost is more of a priority for our family at the moment.  I use a loofah to scrub with because I don't like the thought of the small pieces of plastic breaking off a conventional sponge and entering the waterways and I use cotton cloths that I cut from an old, thinning towel and hemmed.
I really hope I have encouraged you to have a go at using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to clean your bathroom because it is far better than any conventional cleaners I have tried.
Let me know how you get on.

Monday 1 July 2013


Hi there and welcome to my blog.  Here I will share my thoughts, opinions and feelings on trying to live an eco-friendly, natural life with my little family in middle England.  I know "eco-friendly" is such an overused phrase these days but I really do feel passionately about trying to leave as little damage on this gift of planet earth as possible. I try to parent in a natural way, following my instincts and  parenting simply but no one is perfect, hence the title to my blog "imperfectly natural".  I don't claim to be some kind of eco living, hippy guru, I just try my best in the circumstances in which I find myself.  I share what I do not to say "look how great I am" but in the hope that others will see that it is possible to live a different way of life which often flows against the current of modern day living, and still be contented.
I am really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my posts and getting to know other bloggers who share my passions.
In the mean time, here is a bit about me:
I am 30 years old and live in Berkshire with my husband of 4 years and our little 17 month old boy (let's call home Boris). I am a stay-at-home mum and ex (recovering) secondary school art and design teacher!  I spend my days entertaining my little boy, cooking, keeping the house in order and working on our allotment, I know, don't I sound like an amazing domestic goddess?  I am not!  My little boy  is covered in mud, my house is usually in some state of disarray and we have takeaways on a regular basis (I did say "imperfectly" natural!). We live in a small house on a tight budget.  I don't do any paid work but I am currently training to be a breastfeeding helper with the Breastfeeding Network.  I also love to make things, at the moment that is mainly babies and breast milk, but I am hoping to eventually get back into art and crafts. I am a hopeful Christian, I say hopeful because I am not great at going to church every week, I sometimes swear and often forget to thank God for my many blessings, but I have hope that through faith I am saved in spite of my shortfalls.  I hope that this blog Glorifies Him.
Enjoy looking around and reading my posts.  I used to blog over at Serendipity Child and will be sharing some topical posts from there over here just to get the blog going.