Showing posts with label scrapbooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbooking. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Slam Book

Back at the start of the year one of my goals for 2015 was to take a photo a day for 2015 and to make a slam book.  I decided to combine the two ideas by making a slam page for each photo.

I haven't managed to take a photo every single day, but have taken one most days.  I also haven't kept up with the slam book and I am quite a few weeks behind.  I am not sure if I will carry on with it or not, it was fun at first, I enjoyed being a bit ruthless with which papers to choose, but now I am so behind it feels a bit like a burden.  At first I was printing off the photos really regularly at an instant photo place, and I was doing a few pages a couple of times a week, but it was costing too much money so I decided to stop that and print them less frequently online, however this caused me to become more and more behind because I had to make it worth the postage so was saving them up.  The more recent pages have also had less time spent on them so I feel they aren't as good, but I suppose the whole point is to stop me being so particular about each photo.  But this is also part of the problem with keeping up with it, I still find myself agonising too much about every single page, and that just takes too much time.  So we shall see if I continue with it or not.

Anyway in spite of not being able to keep up with it I thought you might like to see a few of the pages I have done (showing people the book is probably my favorite thing about it, after all what is the point of art without an audience?)

Saturday 7 June 2014

Best Friend Scrap Book Pages

Recently my best girlfriend turned 30, the day before I turned 31.  We have been friends since before I can remember and I am so thankful to have her in my life.
For her birthday her lovely husband came up with a brilliant idea to create a "This is Your Life" style scrap book containing photos and journalling with fun and happy memories from our life.  I couldn't wait to get started, especially because I don't get to do much craft these days because I have so little free time, what I do do is usually for other people.
In an ideal world I would have had photos of us as children but they are all at my parents house so the pages contained fairly recent photos.  
I used scrap booking papers from my stash, a few flower embellishments and some tags for journalling.