Showing posts with label invitation to play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label invitation to play. Show all posts

Saturday 25 October 2014

Fun Things to do With Toddlers - Autumn scents Playdough

Playdough is always fun, adding colour livens it up and adding a scent adds a further sensory element. I decided to create an Autumn themed playdough invitation to play by adding some spices to the playdough and teaming them with some leaf shaped cutters and some pine cones, feathers, twigs and conkers to press into the dough.

I fragranced the dough with ground cinnamon, all spice, ginger and coco powder.  I just kneaded the spices into the dough. It smelt amazing (especially the chocolate)

I didn't need to add any colour to the chocolate scented one because the brown of the coco also added colour.

I bought some leaf shaped cutters from Amazon, I am hoping to get lots of use out of them by using them to make biscuits and with clay.

Fathers from Hobbycraft 9I bought these years ago when I was at uni, not sure how ethical they are or if I would buy them now)

Pine cones gathered from one of our many walks.

Boris stuck twigs into the playdough to begin with, he needed quite a bit of encouragement initially, I am not sure he knew what to do, maybe he was a little overwhelmed by all the different bits and didn't know where to begin. 

 To start with he used to cutters with the playdough balls, but I demonstrated rolling out the dough and using the cutters that way and he imitated me.

 I stuck some of the cut out shapes to the balls of remaining clay which Boris seemed to enjoy, he also stuck some of the cutout shapes on.  He then had a good time mashing it all up into a big doughy mess.

This is the playdough recipe I used:
  • 2 cups plain flour (all purpose)
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
  • Up to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right)
  • Poster paint for colour.
  • Several teaspoons of spices till desired amount of fragrance is achieved, some scents require more spice than others.
I am hoping to do a few more Autumn themes activities as the season goes on.  Are you doing any seasonal activities?  Add a link in the comments. 

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Fun things to do with toddlers - Small World Play

 A little while ago I bought some wooden dollies from Etsy with the idea that I could set up some small worlds as invitations to play for my toddler.

I laid some sand in a large, shallow plastic storage box and added pebbles, sticks and a few herbs. 

We played together moving the dollies around and arranging them in different ways,  Boris also had a go at standing up the sticks and balancing the pebbles.

I also really enjoyed the photographic opportunities I had with this activity.  As an ex photography teacher I thought about how fun something like this would be as an exercise for students. 

I think this activity definitely has potential.  Boris was a bit young for any imaginative play but it was a good sensory experience with the textures of the sand, the smooth pebbles and the sticks and the smells of the different herds.  Have you ever done invitations to play?  What did you use?  I am thinking of setting up another small world with water, and maybe one with gravel.  I also saw a friend's set up with rice and glitter which was fun. Might have to give that one a go if I can overcome my phobia of glitter!