Showing posts with label bread making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bread making. Show all posts

Monday 8 July 2013

Illustrated bread-making tutorial

First published on SerendipityChild on 22/06/2010

I got this bread making recipe from a wonderful website called selfsufficientish and it is pretty fail safe although is not a quick fix, you will need to go the the shops if you have a bread emergency, it takes a day to make. 

First pour 750ml of luke warm water into a jug:

Next add two teaspoons of yeast and two teaspoons of sugar and stir it in:

Leave the mixture in a warm place untill it is all frothy on top, (about half an hour)

Pour the mixture into a bowl:

Take your flour.  I use half wholemeal and half white breadmaking flour.  Organic of course.

Add flour to the yeasty mixture in the bowl:


Add more flour to make a gloopy paste:

Cover with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place overnight (I do mine in the morning and leave it while I am at work)

While you are away the mixture with froth up and become all bubbly:

Give it a stir and you will find that it's all gloopy and stretchy:

Add more of the flour until it has thickened:

Flour your worktop:

Tip out your mixture:

Add more flour:

And some salt (I do 3 teaspoons) don't forget to do this or you will end up with quite bland bread.

Then begin the process of adding flour and kneeding until you have made a dough, don't add too much flour though, your dough should still be a bit sticky:

As you kneed, don't just fold and press the dough, really tear it and stretch it:

The dough should be nice and stretchy and spring back when you poke it:

I then cut my dough in half because I have found my tired old over can't cope with cooking one large loaf so I make two smaller ones:

Make two lovely round balls by kneeding them a bit more:

Put em into tins:

Then cover with a damp cloth (this one is actually clean but looks manky from fruit staining).  leave to rise.  The time it takes to rise will vary depending on how warm your room is.  Basically just leave it till it has risen lots!
Put the oven on just before you think they are ready to go in.


Put them in the oven.  My oven only goes up to 200 degrees and this seems to work fine.

Then as if by magin, in about 20 minutes you get a beautiful loaf of bread.  Take the loaves out of the tins and leave to cool on a rack.

Then enjoy

Hope you liked by breadmaking tutorial.  Comments are welcomed.
Come again soon.