
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Fun Things to do With Toddlers - A Week of Activities!

We've been busy!  it's been a fun and activity filled summer, here are some of the things we have been doing in a bumper week of fun toddler activities. 

Bubbles seem to never lose their fun, no matter what age, (unless you suffer from trypophobia which is a fear of bubbles!) So this summer I bought a little bubble machine so fill the garden with bubbles and to avoid me going dizzy from all the puffing!

Boris had a great time catching the bubbles with his hands, pretending to eat them and stamping on them when they landed on the patio.

I gave him a water squirter to pop the bubbles with which not only added a greater sense of fun to the activity but also helped him to improve his hand-eye co-ordination. 

We regularly get the bubble machine out both in the house and outside. It's great, crazy fun!